Wednesday, March 14, 2007

setting up outlook express (set up email)

before you can use outlook express , you need the following , most of which is supplied by your internet service rovider ( isp)
* an account with an isp that include and email account.
*the account name and password for your incoming mail server and" your email address "
* the names of your isp's incoming mail server(pop3 or imap) and outgoing mail (smtp) servers.
* for newsreading , you need the name of news server you want to cnnect to and , if reqired , your account name and password.
you may have installed outlook express when you installed internet explorer plus . if you didn't , you can install it now .
==> to set up outlook express .
1- insert your internet explorer plus cd .
2- click add-on , click internet explorer compnents , and the follow the instruction on the screen .
the internet connection wizard helps you set up your account and guides you through establing a connection with one email and news server.

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