Friday, April 06, 2007

sending email from office applications

if you have an email client ( software for sending and receving email ) on your computer , such as microsoft outlook . you can send office documents in email , you can send a word document , an excel worksheet , or even an en entire powerpoint presentation with an email message .
email client : the email program install onyour computer that you use to send and receving email .
the process for sending email from the diffirent office applications is the smae for word , excel, powrepoint an access. you use the send to command on the file menu . microsoft frontpage also enables you to send email webpage from frontpage document as email , they are actually placed in the body of the email message . in the case of powrepoint and access , the file you curently have open in the application is sent with the email mesaage as an attachment .
next , look at how you can use the email feature in an oofice application . this example uses word .
follow these steps :
1- select file and then point at send to , seclect mail recipient from the cascading menu that appears an email pane ( click view) appears at the top of your office document ( xem hinh).
2- type the email address of recipient into the to box , or click the " to" icon and select an email address from address books , such as your outlook contacts list .
3- when you are ready to send the email , click the " send a copy" buttton at the top of the email addrees pane .
your email is sent and the email pane i removed from the top of your office document window.
* send office documents as attachments . if your are sending email to other users whop do not have microsoft outlook or outlook express as their email clients , you might want to send your office documents as attachments (as attachment ). they can then open the attachment in the appropriate office application.
[ wally flyer . microsoft word]
to : (hidden account)
+ the email pane enables you to specify the recipient of your office document email .

one thing to remember when you are emailing document directly from office applications is that you must be connected to the internet or your company is network to actuallly send the email . if you use a dial-up connection to access the internet ( and internet email ) , either connect to the internet before sending the email from the office application or configure your email client , such as outlook , to automating outlook as your email client../.