pubulishing ypour page
if your page is finished and ready to pulishing , you can save it by uploading it to your web server storage space , to do so , you must have two pieces of information .
first , find the exact location of the computer where you pulish your web pages . this may be an ftp address ( such as .
second , you need the user name and password that enables you to access this directory , besure to obtian this information from the person who's running the web server where you plan to publish.
follow these steps to publish your webpage :
1- if you haven't saved your page before , choose save from the file menu , click ctrl+s , or click the save button on the standard toolbar . if you have saved your page before , chooose save as from the file menu . either way , you 'll see the save as diallogbox (xem hinh)
[save as]
page tittle :
[untiled normal page ]
page location [as file]
[ ]
( tip)== ... please be sure your page has a title , click ok to save this page to the web )
" in this dialogbox , you specify the location for publishing your document "
2- in the page title box , type the page's title if necessary .( you don't have to do thois if you ready enterd the page's title in the page properties dialogbox).
3- in the page location box carefully type the exact storage location of your web publishing space, this is probably an ftp address which looks something like this :ftp://bag-end.hobbition.shire/~bilbo.)her , bag-end.hobbition.shire is the name of the computer that's running the web server you use to publish your documents , and ~bilbo is the name of your user directory within this server ,)
4- at the end of address you just typed , type a slash mark(/) if necessary , followd by a file name for document you're publishing . use the html or htm extension . if you're publishing a document called memoirs .htmc , for example , the page location box would contain the folllowing :ftp://bag-end.hobbiton.shire/~bilbo/memoirs.html
5- click ok , if you haven't previously pulished your page on this server , you'll see a dialogbox asking for your username and password . type these carefully and click ok.
frontpage express now attempts to publish your page , if somethiong goes wrong , you'll see the web publishing wizard , it attemptd to slove the problem that prevented you from publishing the page .
"help" i still can't get it to work
if you 're still having trouble publishing your page click help button in the web publishing wizard . you'll see a troubleshooter that walks you through some possible solutions , also , try calling the person who's responsible for the web server you're using , make sure you have the exact storage location , username and password .