Wednesday, January 30, 2008

so ngoai vu da nang ( dang ky thuong tru )

so ngoai vu da-nang ( dang ky thuong tru)
so 4 , duong tran-phu . da-nang
so dien thoai 0511.822253 ( le thi thu hanh )

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

looking for place of housing

looking for places of rent housing

looking for place of housing

looking for place of housing in orange county

voucher housing from 1/22/2008 to 3/24/2008

voucher housing of sant ana housing authority from 1/22/2008 to 3/24/2008
phone 714- 667-2205 chi duong ttp $236

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

internet service provider ( dien thoai de gan internet)

some national isp options to consider
(dien thoai de gan internet)
intternet service provider // telephone
+ america online = 1800 827 6364
+ compuserve = 1800 848 8990
+ concentricnetwork = 1800 939 4262
+ earthlink = 1800 earthlink ext .3500
+ mindspring internet = 1888 mspring
+ prodigy internet =1800 prodigy
+ uunet =1800 488 6384
internet bible cd-rom ( mindspring internet software 4.0 ) cd contains .....

Monday, January 14, 2008

danh ngon the gioi

danh ngon the gioi

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

dong y chua benh gan bao dam het 100%

nha thuoc dong -y : te sinh duong
( bao dam chua het benh gan 100%)
20 chu van an , f2 , tx bao loc , tinh lam dong
dien thoai : 060 862261
di dong : 0913 173 657 /// 0983 173 700
( them thuoc tay-y telbivudine )

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

thuoc chua benh gan(liver desease)

thuoc chua benh gan ( liver desease )
interferon (c)
ribavarin (c)
zadaxin (b&c)